Moms Rule: Styles that Empower and Elevate You

I thank my mother and grandmother for my sense of style that influenced my profession as an image consultant. As an only grandchild, my grandmother loved dressing me in 5th Ave. styles and taught me about high quality and fashion. My mom, who was a fashion model in Manhattan, continued my education about dressing appropriately for different occasions and coordinating colors and patterns. Since there were three siblings, money was spent on a few quality pieces that mixed and matched to create different outfits. My wardrobe was divided into three categories: school, play, and church or special occasion outfits. Even now it hasn’t altered that much- professional, leisure/gym, church, and special occasion attire. At an early age, my mom instilled in me “the value you put on yourself is the value others put on you.”  An important part of self-worth is reflected on how you dress and present yourself to the world! 

Many mothers today value self-expression through fashion and can encourage her children to explore their own sense of style and creativity. This involves allowing children to choose their own clothes, express preferences, and experiment with different looks.  By supporting their children’s fashion choices and encouraging them to embrace their uniqueness, mothers can help build their confidence and sense of identity through style.

Beyond clothing, mothers also serve as role models for personal grooming habits. Children learn about hygiene, hair care, skincare, and other aspects of personal appearance by observing their mother’s routines.

Overall, a mother’s influence on her children’s style is multifaceted and can have a lasting impact on how they perceive fashion, express themselves, and navigate their personal appearance as they grow older.

The Top 10 Ways for Moms to Feel Fabulous and Empowered:

Comfortable Yet Chic Outfits: Select outfits that balance comfort and style, such as high-waisted jeans, quality tee shirts, or tailored jumpsuits made from soft, breathable fabrics.

Accessorize Strategically: Add a stylish handbag, bold earrings, or a classic watch to elevate any look effortlessly.

Invest in Versatile Basics: Build a wardrobe around versatile basics like a well-fitted blazer, tailored trousers, or a crisp white shirt that can be mixed and matched for different occasions.

Choose Flattering Silhouettes: Embrace silhouettes that flatter your body shape, whether it’s a wrap dress, A-line skirt, or fitted blazer, to feel confident and empowered.

Play with Colors and Patterns: Experiment with colors and patterns that make you feel vibrant and joyful. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different hues and prints to express your personality.

Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: Invest in quality clothing pieces that are durable and well-made. Quality fabrics and craftsmanship can instantly boost your confidence and style.

Incorporate Sneakers or Stylish Flats: Choose comfortable footwear like stylish sneakers or chic flats that allow you to stay active while looking fashionable.

Layer with Outerwear: Layer with stylish outerwear pieces such as a tailored blazer, denim jacket, or trench coat to instantly elevate your outfit.

Experiment with Hairstyles: Change up your hairstyle occasionally to complement your outfits and add a fresh touch to your overall look.

Wear Clothes that Reflect Your Personality: Above all, wear clothes that reflect your personality and make you feel like the best version of yourself. Confidence is the key to feeling empowered and stylish!

By incorporating these tips into your wardrobe choices, you can dress in a way that not only makes you look great but also boosts your confidence and empowers you as a mom. 

Remember you are the CEO of your life!  C- chief creative, capable, etc commander   E – energetic, excellent etc educator  O- Outstanding, original, etc organizer. I bet you can think of other descriptive words! 

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